Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Things people do.

My lovely roommate M is chomping her gum again. She's the gum chewer that smacked, chomps and blows bubbles that pop. AKA she is about to win an award for obnoxious gum chewing. I just sent in her nomination. Silly me, I am to blame. I am also chewing gum, (its before lunch, and instead of snacking I have opted for some Extra dessert gum to stave off the hunger). Seeing my petite chewing M asks if I have any gum because she is out. Actually I just hid her gum because she is such an annoying chewer. Well that plan backfired. So now I have to listen to the arrangement of country music mixed in with spits, chomps and smacks. Unreal.

In other news...I have nothing else to really discuss (creativity has hit an all time low). Unless you want to read about how I found a clump of blonde hair on my letterman's jacket this morning in the caf. erlack. Lunch time yet?

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