Saturday, February 19, 2011

Keystone light

I just managed to lose the remote control in 30 seconds. Still can't find it. Whatevs, I'm not that lazy. The dvd player and Tv are luckily squished only 2.5 feet from the futon. Foiled again remote control gnomes!
Anyway that's not the topic of the day, the topic for this lovely saturday is Case Day. It's a remarkable tradition that sparked from years of having a wet campus but without having any real fun. So some lively hockey Super fans decided that drinking a case of beer was a worthy opponent for these boring days between freezing tundra and melting swamp land. So the tradition carries on in the middle of February!
Actually I have no idea how the tradition started, but that was a pretty good story was it not?
So here we are freezing our asses off and wallowing in pain waiting for the snow to melt to reveal the keystone cans that scatter our campus reminding us of the days when the liquid coat was actually enough. Enter Case Day! our proudest tradition. better than the rouser. better than the gus bus. better than the caf food (questionable?). Drink a case of beer or attempt to and then throw up and pass out at 7 pm. Brilliant!
Unless you are 6'2'' and weigh over 200 pounds drinking 24 cans of beer can be quite the challenge. I mean lets be honest, one can of Keystone (case of choice) has over 100 calories in in. Adding up to 2400 calories. Thats A LOT. Especially when most people do not stay awake for all 24 hours. Ok so here is the strategy. friday- eat very little mostly water until 5 pm. Then fast until 12. Once it is officially saturday, drink like 4 or five beers. Or chug until you feel dizzy. Then pass out and get up early. Then get to work. Eating helps. But considering that you will be full of beer, eating may seem like too much. work on a beer an hour with some snacks and water every once in awhile. Around 7 or party time you have to get going. By this time you will be thoroughly drunk so power hour and chugging contests sound like a good idea! The only real key to Case Day is NOT to fall asleep. If you are awake and have finished your case by midnight, YOU WIN. (you win a giant hangover that will last for at least 3 days.) Good Job!
Oh right. I forgot there are tee shirts. 2009 was a picture of Obama saying "yes we can finish our cases" and last year it was Tiger woods "24 in one day, if Tiger can do it, so can we" This year we are poking fun at our new slogan "make your life count" but we changed it to "make your night count."
creativity at its finest.

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