Saturday, June 11, 2011


I LOVE BOOKS. I love to read and then I like to think about the books I've read. My mind goes on a whirl and I get a high from books.
Here are the books I love the most.
1. Pride and Prejudice. So complicated and complex. The characters are deep and changing. Plus it teaches the lesson of judgement. Sometimes you have to judge and sometimes you have to take a closer look at circumstances. One must also recognize that introverts are not trying to be rude. Maybe I am just a sucker for the happy ending, but who doesn't love a strong female protagonist who puts a man in his place?
2. Bloomability. I think I love this book because it got me through the tough years of middle-school. It shows the reader that sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Life is full of changes and scary times but for the most part everything turns out. I also just really like the personality of the narrator.
3. This House of Sky. The title is as beautiful as the writing. Ivan Doig writes of his childhood in western Montana. He has adventures and really captures the essence of Montana, in all its ruggedness, beauty and harsh weather. His descriptions are breathtaking and the movement of his sentences are lovely. Whenever he mentions a mountain range I can feel the familiarity I have with that landscape.
4. Jacob Have I Loved. This book is a little anti-climatic but it really shows the unfairness of life yet how life goes on. Sometimes you just have to move on and not be too bitter. It also makes me question the Bible a bit.... which always makes for some interesting pondering.
5. My Antonia. Willa Cather is an amazingly simplistic writer. But the way she tells a story is lovely. Anything is interesting and she gives you that feeling that you are right there with her and she is telling you the story. I also love O Pioneers! Both books have a chillingly realistic ending.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Here we go again...

Multiple points to this blog entry my friends.
1). I had yet another awkward moment. My friend C just graduated from high school. My brother is one of his really good friends. We all golf together. So I got invited to his graduation party and I thought it would be fun to go and see him and his family. My brother wanted to go too but didn't get off work until 8. So we showed up to the party a little late. This meant that only high schoolers were left. I figured only a few people knew me so they might not know I was way too old for this party. We played ultimate frizbee and eventually sat by a bon-fire. I was laughing and joking with C's little sister about how I was too old for this party and that I should really leave. My brother of course was adding to the jokes saying I was a big creeper for even showing up. And then some girl asked me how old I was... I had to admit to her that I was 21. Then she asked me in kind of a snobby way what I was doing here....
So awkward. How do you explain to a bunch of stupid high schoolers that you just wanted to see your friend and old teammate but then got sucked into a stupid party. AWKWARD. These things really need to stop happening to me.
2) Its raining outside. And the thing about Montana rain is that it is never warm. Its always cold and windy. Even if it is a beautiful day and it starts to rain the temperature will drop 20 degrees. Added to the flooding we are experiencing (like the rest of America) rain doesn't help. My poor dad is about to call it quits and just give up on the golf business. Lets get some sun!
3) My mother is crazy. Straight up insane. She told me she would pay me to clean her clutter areas. I started on the pantry and I just get so frustrated because we have like a million empty jars that she "collects." Plus we have a ton of foods that we rarely eat. I found 5 boxes of falafel. Who needs five boxes of falafel? Besides a greek family. And three bags of seaweed? I swear this stuff has got to be decades old. But then my mother will not let me rearrange anything and she just stops me from cleaning anything. Its totally pointless.